Les nœuds de Lorenz
Pierre Dehornoy
Universität Bern, Switzerland

This article is a survey on Lorenz knots. We describe the original construction, prove several classical properties, in particular the fact that the closure of a positive braid is a fibered knot, and describe Ghys' correspondence between modular knots and Lorenz knots. We also prove two new properties, namely that following Ghys' correspondence, the images of trivial orbits of the Lorenz flow form a subgroup of the class group, and that the reverse images of an element in the class group and of its inverse are isotopic orbits.
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Pierre Dehornoy, Les nœuds de Lorenz. Enseign. Math. 57 (2011), no. 3/4, pp. 211–280
DOI 10.4171/LEM/57-3-1