Volume 59, No. 3/4 (2013)
L’Enseignement Mathématique

pp. 209–224 Subtleties of the minimax selectorQiaoling Wei
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-1pp. 225–269 Sharpening 'Manin-Mumford' for certain algebraic groups in dimension 2Pietro CorvajaDavid MasserUmberto Zannier
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-2pp. 271–286 On topological properties of the formal power series substitution groupI. BabenkoS. Bogatyi
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-3pp. 287–306 Une version effective du théorème de Lindemann-Weierstrass par des méthodes d'indépendance algébriqueDamien Roy
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-4pp. 307–324 Sur un ensemble de BesicovitchJean-Pierre Kahane
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-5pp. 325–336 On Toponogov's comparison theorem for Alexandrov spacesUrs LangViktor Schroeder
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-6pp. 337–349 Quintuples of positive integers whose sums in pairs or in triples are squaresAjai Choudhry
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-7pp. 351–358 Positive braids of maximal signatureSebastian Baader
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-8pp. 359–377 Sato–Tate in the higher dimensional case: Elaboration of 9.5.4 in Serre's bookNicholas M. Katz
DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-9p. 379 DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-10Commission Internationale de l'Enseignement Mathématique. Renouvellement du Comité Exécutifpp. 381–391 DOI 10.4171/LEM/59-3-11Commission Internationale de l'Enseignement Mathématique. The 2009, 2011 & 2013 ICMI Awards. Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal Medals