Adversarial examples in random neural networks with general activations

  • Andrea Montanari

    Stanford University, USA
  • Yuchen Wu

    Stanford University, USA
Adversarial examples in random neural networks with general activations cover
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A substantial body of empirical work documents the lack of robustness in deep learning models to adversarial examples. Recent theoretical work proved that adversarial examples are ubiquitous in two-layers networks with sub-exponential width and ReLU or smooth activations, and multi-layer ReLU networks with sub-exponential width. We present a result of the same type, with no restriction on width and for general locally Lipschitz continuous activations.

More precisely, given a neural network with random weights , and feature vector , we show that an adversarial example can be found with high probability along the direction of the gradient . Our proof is based on a Gaussian conditioning technique. Instead of proving that is approximately linear in a neighborhood of , we characterize the joint distribution of and for , where for some positive step size .

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Andrea Montanari, Yuchen Wu, Adversarial examples in random neural networks with general activations. Math. Stat. Learn. 6 (2023), no. 1/2, pp. 143–200

DOI 10.4171/MSL/41