Mathematical Statistics and Learning

Luc Devroye
McGill UniversityGábor Lugosi
Universitat Pompeu FabraShahar Mendelson
Australian National UniversityElchanan Mossel
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAlexandre Tsybakov
CREST, ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de ParisRoman Vershynin
University of California, Irvine
Associate Editors
Afonso Bandeira
ETH ZürichRonen Eldan
Microsoft Research; Weizmann Institute of ScienceSara van de Geer
ETH ZürichRamon van Handel
Princeton UniversityAukosh Jagannath
University of WaterlooAndrea Montanari
Stanford UniversityShay Moran
Technion – Israel Institute of TechnologyBoaz Nadler
Weizmann Institute of ScienceJonathan Niles-Weed
New York UniversityJelani Nelson
University of California, BerkeleyAlexander Rakhlin
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPhilippe Rigollet
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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