Diophantische Approximationen

  • Yann Bugeaud

    Université de Strasbourg, France
  • Pietro Corvaja

    Università di Udine, Italy
  • Laura DeMarco

    Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
  • Philipp Habegger

    Universität Basel, Switzerland


This workshop was focused on a large variety of problems which have seen important progress during the last few years, such as extensions and refinements of Schmidt Subspace Theorem, together with new applications, works on the Zilber-Pink conjecture and on unlikely intersections, geometry of numbers, simultaneous Diophantine approximation, theory of heights, continued fractions, and arithmetic dynamics.

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Yann Bugeaud, Pietro Corvaja, Laura DeMarco, Philipp Habegger, Diophantische Approximationen. Oberwolfach Rep. 19 (2022), no. 2, pp. 1091–1164

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2022/21