Combinatorial Optimization

  • Michel X. Goemans

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
  • Monique Laurent

    Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Jens Vygen

    Universität Bonn, Germany


Combinatorial Optimization is a very active field that benefits from bringing together ideas from different areas, e.g., graph theory and combinatorics, matroids and submodularity, connectivity and network flows, approximation algorithms and mathematical programming, discrete and computational geometry, discrete and continuous problems, algebraic and geometric methods, and applications. We continued the long tradition of triannual Oberwolfach workshops, bringing together the best researchers from the above areas, discovering new connections, and establishing new and deepening existing international collaborations.

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Michel X. Goemans, Monique Laurent, Jens Vygen, Combinatorial Optimization. Oberwolfach Rep. 8 (2011), no. 4, pp. 3003–3076

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2011/53