Model Theory: Combinatorics, Groups, Valued Fields and Neostability

  • Itay Kaplan

    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Silvain Rideau

    Université Paris Diderot, France
  • Katrin Tent

    Universität Münster, Germany
  • Frank Olaf Wagner

    Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France


The scope of contemporary model theory has expanded enor- mously over the last several decades, helped by the development of new tools applicable to an ever wider range of structures. In the spirit of the previous meetings in the series, this workshop will bring together researchers from ap- parently separate subfields of model theory whose work is linked by common themes, with a particular emphasis on intrinsic model theoretic questions motivated by the classification of approriately ‘tame’ groups and fields and new developments in asymptotic combinatorics.

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Itay Kaplan, Silvain Rideau, Katrin Tent, Frank Olaf Wagner, Model Theory: Combinatorics, Groups, Valued Fields and Neostability. Oberwolfach Rep. 20 (2023), no. 1, pp. 91–149

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2023/2