Resolutions in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory

  • Aldo Conca

    Università di Genova, Italy
  • Steven Dale Cutkosky

    University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
  • Eleonore Faber

    University of Leeds, UK
  • Srikanth B. Iyengar

    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA


Commutative algebra is a vast subject, with connections to many different areas of mathematics, and beyond. The focus of this workshop was on three areas, all concerned with resolutions in various forms. One is the resolution of singularities of algebraic varieties, which remains a vibrant topic of research. The second is the theory of noncommutative resolution of singularities. Introduced two decades ago, this subject has witnessed remarkable growth developing connections to algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, cluster algebras, and the representation theory of algebras, both commutative and noncommutative, among others. The third intended meaning of the world “resolution” is as in free resolutions of algebras and modules in commutative algebra. There is another sense in which the title is appropriate: recently three long standing open problems in commutative algebra have been resolved. This workshop brought together experts and early career researchers in these various fields, to facilitate exchange of ideas and to explore potential collaborations.

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Aldo Conca, Steven Dale Cutkosky, Eleonore Faber, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Resolutions in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory. Oberwolfach Rep. 20 (2023), no. 1, pp. 327–395

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2023/6