Mini-Workshop: Infinite Dimensional Hopf Algebras

  • Ken A. Brown

    University of Glasgow, UK
  • Kenneth R. Goodearl

    University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
  • Thomas H. Lenagan

    University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • James J. Zhang

    University of Washington, Seattle, USA


This is a report of the above mini-workshop. It contains brief accounts of all 17 talks given at the meeting, with commentary on their interconnections. A selection of the numerous open questions discussed at and generated by the meeting is provided in a separate section. The cumulative references listed for each of the talks together provide an up-to-date guide to the fast-growing literature on the topics covered.

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Ken A. Brown, Kenneth R. Goodearl, Thomas H. Lenagan, James J. Zhang, Mini-Workshop: Infinite Dimensional Hopf Algebras. Oberwolfach Rep. 11 (2014), no. 2, pp. 1111–1137

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2014/20