Reactive Flows in Deformable, Complex Media

  • Margot Gerritsen

    Stanford University, USA
  • Jan Martin Nordbotten

    University of Bergen, Norway
  • Iuliu Sorin Pop

    Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Barbara Wohlmuth

    TU München, Garching, Germany


Many processes of highest actuality in the real life are described through systems of equations posed in complex domains. Of particular interest is the situation when the domain is variable, undergoing deformations that depend on the unknown quantities of the model. Such kind of problems are encountered as mathematical models in the subsurface, or biological systems. Such models include various processes at different scales, and the key issue is to integrate the domain deformation in the multi-scale context. Having this as the background theme, this workshop focused on novel techniques and ideas in the analysis, the numerical discretization and the upscaling of such problems, as well as on applications of major societal relevance today.

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Margot Gerritsen, Jan Martin Nordbotten, Iuliu Sorin Pop, Barbara Wohlmuth, Reactive Flows in Deformable, Complex Media. Oberwolfach Rep. 11 (2014), no. 3, pp. 2409–2468

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2014/43