Mini-Workshop: Singularities in -geometry
Anda Degeratu
Universität Freiburg, GermanyMark Haskins
Imperial College London, UKHartmut Weiß
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany

All currently known construction methods of smooth compact -manifolds have been tied to certain singular -spaces, which in Joyce’s original construction are -orbifolds and in Kovalev’s twisted connected sum construction are complete G2-manifolds with cylindrical ends. By a slight abuse of terminology we also refer to the latter as singular -spaces, and in fact both construction methods may be viewed as desingularization procedures. In turn, singular -spaces comprise a (conjecturally large) part of the boundary of the moduli space of smooth compact -manifolds, and so their deformation theory is of considerable interest. Furthermore, singular -spaces are also important in theoretical physics. Namely, in order to have realistic low-energy physics in M-theory, one needs compact singular -spaces with both codimension 4 and 7 singularities according to Acharya and Witten. However, the existence of such singular -spaces is unknown at present. The aim of this workshop was to bring reserachers from special holonomy geometry, geometric analysis and theoretical physics together to exchange ideas on these questions.
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Anda Degeratu, Mark Haskins, Hartmut Weiß, Mini-Workshop: Singularities in -geometry. Oberwolfach Rep. 12 (2015), no. 1, pp. 449–488
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2015/8