Mini-Workshop: Ideals of Linear Subspaces, Their Symbolic Powers and Waring Problems

  • Cristiano Bocci

    Università di Siena, Italy
  • Enrico Carlini

    Monash University, Clayton, Australia
  • Elena Guardo

    Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
  • Brian Harbourne

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA


It is a fundamental challenge for many problems of significant current interest in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra to understand symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals in polynomial rings, particularly ideals of linear varieties. Such problems include computing Waring ranks of polynomials, determining the occurrence of equality (or, more generally, of containments ), computing Waldschmidt constants (i.e., determining the limit of the ratios of the least degree of an element in to the least degree of an element of ), and studying major conjectures such as Nagata’s Conjecture and the uniform SHGH Conjecture (which respectively specify the Waldschmidt constant of ideals of generic points in the plane and the Hilbert functions of their symbolic powers).

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Cristiano Bocci, Enrico Carlini, Elena Guardo, Brian Harbourne, Mini-Workshop: Ideals of Linear Subspaces, Their Symbolic Powers and Waring Problems. Oberwolfach Rep. 12 (2015), no. 1, pp. 489–532

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2015/9