Reductions of Shimura Varieties
Laurent Fargues
Université de Paris VI, FranceUlrich Görtz
Universität Essen, GermanyEva Viehmann
TU München, Garching, GermanyTorsten Wedhorn
Universität Paderborn, Germany

The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in the theory of reductions of Shimura varieties and related topics. The talks presented new methods and results that intertwine a multitude of topics such as geometry and cohomology of moduli spaces of abelian varieties, -divisible groups and Drinfeld shtukas, -adic Hodge theory, and the Langlands program.
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Laurent Fargues, Ulrich Görtz, Eva Viehmann, Torsten Wedhorn, Reductions of Shimura Varieties. Oberwolfach Rep. 12 (2015), no. 3, pp. 2265–2328
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2015/39