Dynamische Systeme
Marie-Claude Arnaud
Université de Paris Cité, Paris Cedex 13, FranceMichael Hutchings
University of California, Berkeley, USAVadim Y. Kaloshin
Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria

This workshop continues a series of workshops whose current format originated in 1981 under then-organizers Moser and Zehnder, and whose latest iteration took place in July 2023. The general goal of this series of workshops is to discuss the latest developments in the field of dynamical systems, broadly construed, and its connections with neighboring areas of mathematics such as differential geometry, partial differential equations, and more recently contact and symplectic geometry. We continued this tradition, bringing in new participants working in areas of dynamical systems and its connections with other areas of mathematics that are currently highly active and/or showing great promise for future development. Key focus areas for the 2023 workshop include spectral rigidity for planar domains, chaotic and oscillatory motions in celestial mechanics, conformal symplectic dynamics, and relations between dynamics.he workshop by the grant DMS-2230648, “US Junior Oberwolfach Fellows”.
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Marie-Claude Arnaud, Michael Hutchings, Vadim Y. Kaloshin, Dynamische Systeme. Oberwolfach Rep. 20 (2023), no. 3, pp. 1671–1730
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2023/30