Mini-Workshop: Homological aspects of TDLC-groups

  • Ilaria Castellano

    Universität Bielefeld, Germany
  • Nadia Mazza

    University of Lancaster, UK
  • Brita E.A. Nucinkis

    University of London, UK
  • Roman Sauer

    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany


This mini-workshop aimed at bringing together experts and early career researchers on finiteness conditions for discrete groups, and experts on varying aspects of locally compact groups to find a common framework to develop a systematic theory of homological finiteness conditions for totally disconnected locally compact groups. Whereas the homological theory of finiteness conditions of discrete groups is well developed and the structure theory of totally disconnected locally compact groups has seen some important breakthroughs in the last decade, the homological theory for (non-compact) totally disconnected locally compact groups is an emerging research area. Specific topics include finiteness conditions for locally compact groups, Mackey functors and Bredon cohomology for topological groups, connections to condensed mathematics, connections to -invariants and -invariants.

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Ilaria Castellano, Nadia Mazza, Brita E.A. Nucinkis, Roman Sauer, Mini-Workshop: Homological aspects of TDLC-groups. Oberwolfach Rep. 20 (2023), no. 4, pp. 3103–3138

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2023/55