Mini-Workshop: New Interactions between Homotopical Algebra and Quantum Field Theory

  • Marco Benini

    Universität Hamburg, Germany
  • Kasia Rejzner

    University of York, UK
  • Alexander Schenkel

    University of Nottingham, UK
  • Christoph Schweigert

    Universität Hamburg, Germany


Recent developments in quantum field theory strongly call for techniques from homotopical algebra to develop the mathematical foundations of quantum gauge theories. This mini-workshop brought together experts working at the interface between topological field theory, quantum field theory and homotopical algebra with the goal of triggering major advances towards understanding quantum gauge theory. This was achieved via a fruitful exchange of ideas and technologies across different research communities and encouraging a comparison between recent approaches to homotopical quantum field theory.

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Marco Benini, Kasia Rejzner, Alexander Schenkel, Christoph Schweigert, Mini-Workshop: New Interactions between Homotopical Algebra and Quantum Field Theory. Oberwolfach Rep. 13 (2016), no. 4, pp. 3261–3287

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2016/58