Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Higher Gross Zagier Formulas

  • Zhiwei Yun

    Stanford University, USA
  • Wei Zhang

    Columbia University, New York, USA


The aim of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft is to go over the proof of the higher Gross–Zagier formula established in the paper [YZ15]. The formula relates arbitrary order central derivative of the base change -function of an unramifed automorphic representation of PGL over a function field to the self-intersection number of a certain algebraic cycle on the moduli stack of Shtukas.

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Zhiwei Yun, Wei Zhang, Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Higher Gross Zagier Formulas. Oberwolfach Rep. 14 (2017), no. 2, pp. 1067–1134

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2017/18