Mini-Workshop: Lattice Polytopes: Methods, Advances, Applications
Takayuki Hibi
Osaka University, JapanAkihiro Higashitani
Kyoto Sangyo University, JapanKatharina Jochemko
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenBenjamin Nill
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany

Lattice polytopes arise naturally in many different branches of pure and applied mathematics such as number theory, commutative algebra, combinatorics, toric geometry, optimization, and mirror symmetry. The miniworkshop on “Lattice polytopes: methods, advances, applications” focused on two current hot topics: the classification of lattice polytopes with few lattice points and unimodality questions for Ehrhart polynomials. The workshop consisted of morning talks on recent breakthroughs and new methods, and afternoon discussion groups where participants from a variety of different backgrounds explored further applications, identified open questions and future research directions, discussed specific examples and conjectures, and collaboratively tackled open research problems.
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Takayuki Hibi, Akihiro Higashitani, Katharina Jochemko, Benjamin Nill, Mini-Workshop: Lattice Polytopes: Methods, Advances, Applications. Oberwolfach Rep. 14 (2017), no. 3, pp. 2659–2701
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2017/44