Network Models: Structure and Function

  • Louigi Addario-Berry

    McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Shankar Bhamidi

    University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
  • Remco van der Hofstad

    TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Frank den Hollander

    Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands


The focus of the meeting was on the mathematical analysis of complex networks, both on how networks emerge through microscopic interaction rules as well as on dynamic processes and optimization problems on networks, including random walks, interacting particle systems and search algorithms. Topics that were addressed included: percolation on graphs and critical regimes for the emergence of a giant component; graph limits and graphons; epidemics, propagation and competition; trees and forests; dynamic random graphs; local versus global algorithms; statistical learning on networks.

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Louigi Addario-Berry, Shankar Bhamidi, Remco van der Hofstad, Frank den Hollander, Network Models: Structure and Function. Oberwolfach Rep. 14 (2017), no. 4, pp. 3427–3470

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2017/57