Explicit Methods in Number Theory
Karim Belabas
Université de Bordeaux, Talence, FranceBjorn Poonen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USAFernando Rodriguez Villegas
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

The aim of the series of Oberwolfach meetings on ‘Explicit methods in number theory’ is to bring together people attacking key problems in number theory via techniques involving concrete or computable descriptions. Here, number theory is interpreted broadly, including algebraic and analytic number theory, Galois theory and inverse Galois problems, arithmetic of curves and higher-dimensional varieties, zeta and -functions and their special values, modular forms and functions.
The meeting provides a forum for presenting new methods and results on concrete aspects of number theory. Considerable attention is paid to computational issues, but the emphasis is on aspects that are of interest to the pure mathematician. In this respect the meetings differ from virtually all other computationally oriented meetings in number theory (most notably the ANTS series), which have a tendency to place actual implementations, numerical results, and cryptographic implications in the foreground.
The 2018 meeting featured a mini-course on nonabelian Chabauty theory, so several of the talks were on this topic; the other talks covered a broad range of topics in number theory.
Cite this article
Karim Belabas, Bjorn Poonen, Fernando Rodriguez Villegas, Explicit Methods in Number Theory. Oberwolfach Rep. 15 (2018), no. 3, pp. 2033–2076
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2018/34