Computational Multiscale Methods
Björn Engquist
University of Texas at Austin, USADaniel Peterseim
Universität Augsburg, Germany

Many physical processes in material sciences or geophysics are characterized by inherently complex interactions across a large range of nonseparable scales in space and time. The resolution of all features on all scales in a computer simulation easily exceeds today’s computing resources by multiple orders of magnitude. The observation and prediction of physical phenomena from multiscale models, hence, requires insightful numerical multiscale techniques to adaptively select relevant scales and effectively represent unresolved scales. This workshop enhanced the development of such methods and the mathematics behind them so that the reliable and efficient numerical simulation of some challenging multiscale problems eventually becomes feasible in high performance computing environments.
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Björn Engquist, Daniel Peterseim, Computational Multiscale Methods. Oberwolfach Rep. 16 (2019), no. 3, pp. 2099–2181
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2019/35