Model Theory: Around Valued Fields and Dependent Theories

  • Andreas Baudisch

    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  • Anand Pillay

    University of Leeds, UK
  • Katrin Tent

    Universität Münster, Germany
  • Martin Ziegler

    Universität Freiburg, Germany


The general topic of the meeting was “Valued fields and related structures”. It included both applications of model theory, as well as so-called “pure” model theory: the classification of first order structures using new techniques extending those developed in stable theories.

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Andreas Baudisch, Anand Pillay, Katrin Tent, Martin Ziegler, Model Theory: Around Valued Fields and Dependent Theories. Oberwolfach Rep. 7 (2010), no. 1, pp. 5–53

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2010/01