Topological semi-conjugacy between dynamical systems induced on the space of probability measures and subshifts of finite type, and chaos

  • Hyon Hui Ju

    Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Chol San Kim

    Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Jin Hyon Kim

    Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Topological semi-conjugacy between dynamical systems induced on the space of probability measures and subshifts of finite type, and chaos cover
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This paper establishes topological semi-conjugacy between a symbolic dynamical system and the system induced on the space of probability measures by a compact topological dynamical system . Some conditions on an original system are obtained for the induced system to have a subsystem topologically semi-conjugate to , and some relations between an original system and the induced system concerning semi-conjugacy to are given. By using these results, several criteria of Li–Yorke chaos and Devaney chaos for the induced system are established. Also, a characterization of the -mixing dynamical system with Furstenberg family is obtained by means of the system , which gives an answer to the question posed by Fu and Xing [Chaos Solitons Fractals (2012), 439–443].

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Hyon Hui Ju, Chol San Kim, Jin Hyon Kim, Topological semi-conjugacy between dynamical systems induced on the space of probability measures and subshifts of finite type, and chaos. Port. Math. (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/PM/2138