Symmetry Breaking Operators for Strongly Spherical Reductive Pairs

  • Jan Frahm

    Aarhus University, Denmark
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A real reductive pair is called strongly spherical if the homogeneous space is real spherical. This geometric condition is equivalent to the representation-theoretic property that for all smooth admissible representations of and of . In this paper we explicitly construct for all strongly spherical pairs intertwining operators in for and spherical principal series representations of and . These so-called symmetry breaking operators depend holomorphically on the induction parameters and we further show that they generically span the space . In the special case of multiplicity one pairs we extend our construction to vector-valued principal series representations and obtain generic formulas for the multiplicities between arbitrary principal series. As an application, we prove an early version of the Gross–Prasad conjecture for complex orthogonal groups, and also provide lower bounds for the dimension of the space of Shintani functions.

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Jan Frahm, Symmetry Breaking Operators for Strongly Spherical Reductive Pairs. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 59 (2023), no. 2, pp. 259–337

DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/59-2-2