Full Justification for the Extended Green–Naghdi System for an Uneven Bottom with/without Surface Tension

  • Bashar Khorbatly

    Lebanese American University (LAU), Beirut, Lebanon
  • Samer Israwi

    Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
Full Justification for the Extended Green–Naghdi System for an Uneven Bottom with/without Surface Tension cover
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This paper is a continuation of a previous work on the extended Green–Naghdi system. We prolong the system, in arbitrary dimension, with/without surface tension, and for a general bottom topography. Confining the work to the one-dimensional case, wellposedness and consistency with respect to initial data and parameters are proved, taking into account the effect of surface tension. The results are local, but long term in the sense of dependence upon initial data. As a conclusion, our solution remains close to the exact solution of the full Euler system with a better (smaller) precision and therefore the full justification of the models.

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Bashar Khorbatly, Samer Israwi, Full Justification for the Extended Green–Naghdi System for an Uneven Bottom with/without Surface Tension. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 59 (2023), no. 3, pp. 587–631

DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/59-3-6