Description of Generalized Isomonodromic Deformations of Rank-Two Linear Differential Equations Using Apparent Singularities
Arata Komyo
University of Hyogo, Hyogo, Japan

In this paper, we consider the generalized isomonodromic deformations of rank-two irregular connections on the Riemann sphere. We introduce Darboux coordinates on the parameter space of a family of rank-two irregular connections by apparent singularities. Using the Darboux coordinates, we describe the generalized isomonodromic deformations as Hamiltonian systems.
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Arata Komyo, Description of Generalized Isomonodromic Deformations of Rank-Two Linear Differential Equations Using Apparent Singularities. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 60 (2024), no. 1, pp. 185–269
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/60-1-5