Some More Fano Threefolds with a Multiplicative Chow–Künneth Decomposition
Robert Laterveer
CNRS – Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
We exhibit several families of Fano threefolds with a multiplicative Chow–Künneth decomposition, in the sense of Shen–Vial. As a consequence, a certain tautological subring of the Chow ring of powers of these threefolds injects into cohomology. As a by-product of the argument, we observe that double covers of projective spaces admit a multiplicative Chow–Künneth decomposition.
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Robert Laterveer, Some More Fano Threefolds with a Multiplicative Chow–Künneth Decomposition. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 60 (2024), no. 3, pp. 561–581
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/60-3-5