Crossed Product Interpretation of the Double Shuffle Lie Algebra Attached to a Finite Abelian Group
Khalef Yaddaden
Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

Racinet studied a scheme associated with the double shuffle and regularization relations between multiple polylogarithm values at th roots of unity and constructed a group scheme attached to the situation; he also showed it to be the specialization for of a group scheme attached to a finite abelian group . Then Enriquez and Furusho proved that can be essentially identified with the stabilizer of a coproduct element arising in Racinet’s theory with respect to the action of a group of automorphisms of a free Lie algebra attached to . We reformulate Racinet’s construction in terms of crossed products. Racinet’s coproduct can then be identified with a coproduct defined on a module over an algebra , which is equipped with its own coproduct , and the group action on extends to a compatible action of . We then show that the stabilizer of , hence , is contained in the stabilizer of thus generalizing a result of Enriquez and Furusho [Selecta Math. (N.S.) 29 (2023), article no. 3]. This yields an explicit group scheme containing , which we also express in the Racinet formalism.
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Khalef Yaddaden, Crossed Product Interpretation of the Double Shuffle Lie Algebra Attached to a Finite Abelian Group. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 60 (2024), no. 3, pp. 455–505
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/60-3-2