Resolving Surface Singularities in Positive Characteristic
Herwig Hauser
University of Vienna, Vienna, AustriaStefan Perlega
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

The paper contains a systematic proof for the embedded resolution of two-dimensional hypersurface singularities over a field of arbitrary characteristic. It relies on the construction of a local upper semicontinuous invariant whose top locus defines at each stage of the resolution process the center of a permissible blowup under which the invariant improves. As the invariant belongs to a well-ordered set, resolution is achieved in finitely many steps. To define the invariant we analyze in detail the obstructions which occur when transcribing the inductive characteristic zero proof à la Hironaka. These difficulties are then overcome by introducing finer invariants than in zero characteristic: They reflect and control typical characteristic phenomena. This may give new ideas for approaching the characteristic resolution in higher dimensions.
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Herwig Hauser, Stefan Perlega, Resolving Surface Singularities in Positive Characteristic. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 60 (2024), no. 4, pp. 767–813
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/60-4-5