The Core of an Extended Affine Lie Superalgebra (A Characterization)
Rasul Aramian
University of Isfahan, IranMalihe Yousofzadeh
University of Isfahan, Iran and Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, Iran
We characterize a class of root graded Lie superalgebras containing a locally finite basic classical simple Lie superalgebra. As a by-product, we characterize the core and the core modulo the center of an extended affine Lie superalgebra whose root system is of finite type
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Rasul Aramian, Malihe Yousofzadeh, The Core of an Extended Affine Lie Superalgebra (A Characterization). Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 54 (2018), no. 2, pp. 213–243
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/54-2-1