The Orbibundle Miyaoka–Yau–Sakai Inequality and an Effective Bogomolov–McQuillan Theorem

  • Yoichi Miyaoka

    University of Tokyo, Japan


Let be a minimal projective surface of general type defined over the complex numbers and let be an irreducible curve of geometric genus . Given a rational number , we construct an orbibundle associated with the pair and establish the Miyaoka–Yau–Sakai inequality for . By varying the parameter in the inequality, we derive several geometric consequences involving the “canonical degree” of . Specifically we prove the following two results. (1) If is greater than the topological Euler number , then is uniformly bounded from above by a function of the invariants , and (an effective version of a theorem of Bogomolov–McQuillan). (2) If is nonsingular, then when is large compared to , (an affrmative answer to a conjecture of McQuillan).

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Yoichi Miyaoka, The Orbibundle Miyaoka–Yau–Sakai Inequality and an Effective Bogomolov–McQuillan Theorem. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 44 (2008), no. 2, pp. 403–417

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1210167331