Irrational Rotation of the Circle and the Binary Odometer are Finitarily Orbit Equivalent
Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

Two invertible dynamical systems and , where are metrizable spaces and are homeomorphisms on and , are said to be finitarily orbit equivalent if there exists an invertible measure preserving mapping from a subset of of measure one to a subset of of full measure such that
(i) is continuous in the relative topology on and is continuous in the relative topology on ,
(ii) for -a.e. .
In this article a finitary orbit equivalence mapping has been constructed between an irrational rotation of the circle and the binary odometer.
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Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury, Irrational Rotation of the Circle and the Binary Odometer are Finitarily Orbit Equivalent. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 43 (2007), no. 2, pp. 385–402
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1201011787