Simply Laced Extended Affine Weyl Groups (A Finite Presentation)

  • Saeid Azam

    University of Isfahan, Iran
  • Valiollah Shahsanaei

    University of Isfahan, Iran


Extended affine Weyl groups are the Weyl groups of extended affine root systems. Finite presentations for extended affine Weyl groups are known only for nullities , where for nullity there is only one known such presentation. We give a finite presentation for the class of simply laced extended affine Weyl groups. Our presentation is nullity free if rank and for rank it is given for nullities . The generators and relations are given uniformly for all types, and for a given nullity they can be read from the corresponding finite Cartan matrix and the semilattice involved in the structure of the root system.

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Saeid Azam, Valiollah Shahsanaei, Simply Laced Extended Affine Weyl Groups (A Finite Presentation). Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 43 (2007), no. 2, pp. 403–424

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1201011788