Smoothness of Solutions for Schrödinger Equations with Unbounded Potentials

  • Shin-ichi Doi

    Osaka University, Japan


We consider a Schrödinger equation with linearly bounded magnetic potentials and a quadratically bounded electric potential when the coeffcients of the principal part do not necessarily converge to constants near infinity. Assuming that there exists a suitable function near infinity which is convex with respect to the Hamilton vector field generated by the (scalar) principal symbol, we show a microlocal smoothing effect, which says that the regularity of the solution increases for all time at every point that is not trapped backward by the geodesic flow if the initial data decays in an incoming region in the phase space. Here depends on the potentials; we can choose if the magnetic potentials are sublinear and the electric potential is subquadratic. Our method regards the growing potentials as perturbations; so it is applicable to matrix potentials as well.

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Shin-ichi Doi, Smoothness of Solutions for Schrödinger Equations with Unbounded Potentials. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 41 (2005), no. 1, pp. 175–221

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1145475408