Filtrations on Chow Groups and Transcendence Degree
Morihiko Saito
Kyoto University, Japan

For a smooth complex projective variety X defined over a number field, we have filtrations on the Chow groups depending on the choice of realizations. If the realization consists of mixed Hodge structure without any additional structure, we can show that the obtained filtration coincides with the filtration of Green and Griffiths, assuming the Hodge conjecture. In the case the realizations contain Hodge structure and etale cohomology, we prove that if the second graded piece of the filtration does not vanish, it contains a nonzero element which is represented by a cycle defined over a field of transcendence degree one. This may be viewed as a refinement of results of Nori, Schoen, and Green–Griffiths–Paranjape. For higher graded pieces we have a similar assertion assuming a conjecture of Beilinson and Grothendieck’s generalized Hodge conjecture.
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Morihiko Saito, Filtrations on Chow Groups and Transcendence Degree. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 40 (2004), no. 3, pp. 933–948
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1145475497