From Exact-WKB towards Singular Quantum Perturbation Theory

  • André Voros

    CEA Saclay, Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex, France


We use exact WKB analysis to derive some concrete formulae in singular quantum perturbation theory, for Schrödinger eigenvalue problems on the real line with polynomial potentials of the form , where even, and . Mainly, we establish the limiting forms of global spectral functions such as the zeta-regularized determinants and some spectral zeta functions.

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André Voros, From Exact-WKB towards Singular Quantum Perturbation Theory. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 40 (2004), no. 3, pp. 973–990

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1145475499