The Heat Semigroup on Configuration Spaces

  • Yuri Kondratiev

    Universität Bielefeld, Germany
  • Eugene Lytvynov

    Universität Bonn, Germany
  • Michael Röckner

    Universität Bielefeld, Germany


In this paper, we study properties of the heat semigroup of configuration space analysis. Using a natural “Riemannian-like” structure of the configuration space over a complete, connected, oriented, and stochastically complete Riemannian manifold of infinite volume, the heat semigroup was introduced and studied in [J. Funct. Anal. 154 (1998), 444-500]. Here, is the Dirichlet operator of the Dirichlet form over the space , where is the Poisson measure on with intensity —the volume measure on . We construct a metric space that is continuously embedded into . Under some conditions on the manifold , we prove that is a set of full measure and derive an explicit formula for the heat semigroup: , where is a probability measure on for all , . The central results of the paper are two types of Feller properties for the heat semigroup. The first one is a kind of strong Feller property with respect to the metric on the space . The second one, obtained in the case , is the Feller property with respect to the intrinsic metric of the Dirichlet form . Next, we give a direct construction of the independent infinite particle process on the manifold , which is a realization of the Brownian motion on the configuration space. The main point here is that we prove that this process can start in every , will never leave , and has continuous sample path in , provided . In this case, we also prove that this process is a strong Markov process whose transition probabilities are given by the above. Furthermore, we discuss the necessary changes to be done for constructing the process in the case . Finally, as an easy consequence we get a “path-wise” construction of the independent particle process on from the underlying Brownian motion.

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Yuri Kondratiev, Eugene Lytvynov, Michael Röckner, The Heat Semigroup on Configuration Spaces. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 39 (2003), no. 1, pp. 1–48

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1145476147