Passive Quasi-free States of the CAR Algebra with Discrete Hamiltonians

  • Charles J.K. Batty

    University of Oxford, UK


The spectrally passive, gauge-invariant, quasi-free stases on the C*-algebra of anticommutation relations with respect to a one-parameter quasi-free action are described. If the one-particle Hamiltonian is discrete, the precise condition on the one-particle density of  is combinatorial, but if the Connes spectrum of   is non-zero, it implies that for some and some operator of bounded trace norm, apart from some degenerate possibilities. If has both discrete and continuous parts, these results can be combined with those of de Cannière for the purely continuous case.

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Charles J.K. Batty, Passive Quasi-free States of the CAR Algebra with Discrete Hamiltonians. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 22 (1986), no. 3, pp. 487–506

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195177846