On Algebraic -Cones In Topological Tensor-Algebras, I. Basic Properties and Normality
Gerald Hofmann
HTWK Leipzig, Germany

The concept of algebraic -cones (alg- cones) in topological tensor-algebras is introduced. It seems to be useful because the well-known cones such as the cone of positivity , the cone of reflection posilivity (Osterwalder–Schrader cone), and some cones of -positivity in QFT with an indefinite metric are examples of alg- cones.
It is investigated whether or not the known properties of (e.g., is a proper and generating cone not satisfying the decomposition property) apply to alg- cones. For proving deeper results, the structure of the elements of alg- cones is analyzed, and certain estimations between the homogeneous components of those elements are proven. Using them, a detailed investigation of the normality of alg- cones is given.
Furthermore, the convex hull of finitely many alg- cones is also considered.
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Gerald Hofmann, On Algebraic -Cones In Topological Tensor-Algebras, I. Basic Properties and Normality. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 28 (1992), no. 3, pp. 455–494
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195168433