Asymptotic Behaviour of Time-Inhomogeneous Evolutions on von Neumann Algebras
Alberto Frigerio
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ItalyGabriele Grillo
Politecnica di Milano, Italy

We consider a sequence of dynamical maps of a von Neumann algebra into itself, each of which has a faithful normal invariant state , and we investigate conditions under which the time-evolved of an arbitrary normal initial state is such that . This is proved under conditions on the spectral gap of extended to a contraction on the GNS space of , and on the difference (in a sense to be made precise below) between and , we do not require detailed balance of w. r. t. . We also give conditions on the sequence of relative Hamiltonians between and ensuring that the result holds. Finally, we prove that the techniques of the present paper do not admit a simple generalization to -algebras and non-normal states.
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Alberto Frigerio, Gabriele Grillo, Asymptotic Behaviour of Time-Inhomogeneous Evolutions on von Neumann Algebras. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 29 (1993), no. 5, pp. 841–856
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195166577