Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts, according to the instructions below, directly to the Editorial Office:
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University Kyoto 606-8502 Japan
e-mail: prims [at]
Articles may be submitted electronically, and also in hard copy by sending two clear copies, together with a letter of submission containing the following information:
Name of author(s) together with email address(es); indication of the corresponding author
Complete mailing addresses
Title of paper
Number of pages
Date of submission
Key words describing the subject matter of the article
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Peer review
The Publications of the Research Insitute for Mathematical Sciences operate a single blind peer review process conducted by external reviewers selected by the editorial board.
Format of manuscript
In case the paper is accepted for publication, the Journal strongly encourages authors to make available LaTex files for typesetting purposes. To prepare the article, use the journal’s LaTeX document class file ems-journal-prims.cls (right-click the link and select ‘save link target as’ to download) and follow the sample file: prims-sample.tex, prims-sample.pdf.
The title page should include the name, affiliation and address (together with email address) of each author, a short abstract, the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification (e.g., Primary 16G10; Secondary 16G20, 16G21) and key words. A list of the subject classifications above, as well as the journal abbreviations for the references, can be found in the annual index of Mathematical Reviews.
Footnotes should be avoided.
To avoid distortion from rescaling, figures must not be wider than 125 mm. They should be sent as EPS file (encapsulated PostScript).
All figures, tables, etc. should be numbered, with the insertion place clearly indicated.
References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in the form: author(s), title of paper, journal title (abbreviated in accordance with Mathematical Reviews), volume number, year of publication in parentheses, and page numbers. For books, indicate also the publisher. The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. Items not cited in the text should not appear in the list. Checking your manuscript with MRef is encouraged.
The author(s) will be granted an opportunity to correct the galley proofs once before publication. Excessive changes will be charged.