-adic dimensions in symmetric tensor categories in characteristic
Pavel Etingof
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USANate Harman
University of Chicago, USAVictor Ostrik
University of Oregon, Eugene, USA

To every object of a symmetric tensor category over a field of characteristic we attach -adic integers Dim and Dim whose reduction modulo is the categorical dimension dim of , coinciding with the usual dimension when is a vector space. We study properties of Dim, and in particular show that they don't always coincide with each other, and can take any value in . We also discuss the connection of -adic dimensions with the theory of -rings and Brauer characters.
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Pavel Etingof, Nate Harman, Victor Ostrik, -adic dimensions in symmetric tensor categories in characteristic . Quantum Topol. 9 (2018), no. 1, pp. 119–140
DOI 10.4171/QT/104