Symplectic instanton homology: naturality, and maps from cobordisms
Guillem Cazassus
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

We prove that Manolescu and Woodward’s symplectic instanton homology, and its twisted versions, are natural; and definemaps associated to four dimensional cobordisms within this theory.
This allows one to define representations of the mapping class group, the fundamental group and the first cohomology group with coefficients of a 3-manifold. We also provide a geometric interpretation of the maps appearing in the long exact sequence for symplectic instanton homology, together with vanishing criterions.
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Guillem Cazassus, Symplectic instanton homology: naturality, and maps from cobordisms. Quantum Topol. 10 (2019), no. 4, pp. 677–722
DOI 10.4171/QT/129