Weak solutions and weak-strong uniqueness for a thermodynamically consistent phase-field model
Robert Lasarzik
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, GermanyElisabetta Rocca
Università di Pavia, ItalyGiulio Schimperna
Università di Pavia, Italy

In this paper, we prove the existence of weak solutions for a thermodynamically consistent phase-field model introduced in [25] in two and three dimensions of space. We use a notion of solution inspired by [16], where the pointwise internal energy balance is replaced by the total energy inequality complemented with a weak form of the entropy inequality. Moreover, we prove the existence of local-in-time strong solutions and, finally, we show weak-strong uniqueness of solutions, meaning that every weak solution coincides with a local strong solution emanating from the same initial data, as long as the latter exists.
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Robert Lasarzik, Elisabetta Rocca, Giulio Schimperna, Weak solutions and weak-strong uniqueness for a thermodynamically consistent phase-field model. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 33 (2022), no. 2, pp. 229–269
DOI 10.4171/RLM/970