Inviscid limit for the axisymmetric stratified Navier–Stokes system
Samira Sulaiman
Université de Rennes I, France

This paper is devoted to the study of the Cauchy problem for the stratified Navier–Stokes system in three-dimensional space. In the first part of the paper, we prove the existence of a unique global solution for this system with axisymmetric initial data belonging to the Sobolev space with The bounds on the solution are uniform with respect to the viscosity. In the second part, we analyse the inviscid limit problem. We prove that the viscous solutions converge strongly in the space to the solution of the stratified Euler system.
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Samira Sulaiman, Inviscid limit for the axisymmetric stratified Navier–Stokes system. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 30 (2014), no. 2, pp. 431–462
DOI 10.4171/RMI/788