On the Northcott property for special values of L-functions
Fabien Pazuki
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Copenhagen, DenmarkRiccardo Pengo
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
We propose an investigation on the Northcott, Bogomolov and Lehmer properties for special values of -functions.We first introduce an axiomatic approach to these three properties. We then focus on the Northcott property for special values of -functions. In the case of -functions of pure motives, we prove a Northcott property for special values located at the left of the critical strip, assuming that the -functions in question satisfy some expected properties. Inside the critical strip, focusing on the Dedekind zeta function of number fields, we prove that such a property does not hold for the special value at one, but holds for the special value at zero, and we give a related quantitative estimate in this case.
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Fabien Pazuki, Riccardo Pengo, On the Northcott property for special values of L-functions. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 40 (2024), no. 1, pp. 1–42
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1454