Fitting a Sobolev function to data I
Charles Fefferman
Princeton University, United StatesArie Israel
University of Texas at Austin, USAGarving K. Luli
University of California at Davis, USA

In this paper and two companion papers, we produce efficient algorithms to solve the following interpolation problem: Let and . Given a finite set and a function , compute an extension of belonging to the Sobolev space with norm having the smallest possible order of magnitude; secondly, compute the order of magnitude of the norm of . The combined running time of our algorithms is at most , where denotes the cardinality of , and depends only on , , and .
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Charles Fefferman, Arie Israel, Garving K. Luli, Fitting a Sobolev function to data I. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 32 (2016), no. 1, pp. 275–376
DOI 10.4171/RMI/887