An upper bound for the length of a traveling salesman path in the Heisenberg group

  • Sean Li

    University of Chicago, USA
  • Raanan Schul

    Stony Brook University, USA


We show that a sufficient condition for a subset in the Heisenberg group (endowed with the Carnot–Carathéodory metric) to be contained in a rectifiable curve is that it satisfies a modified analogue of Peter Jones’s geometric lemma. Our estimates improve on those of [6], allowing for any power < 4 to replace the power 2 of the Jones--number. This complements in an open ended way our work in [13], where we showed that such an estimate was necessary, however with the power = 4.

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Sean Li, Raanan Schul, An upper bound for the length of a traveling salesman path in the Heisenberg group. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 32 (2016), no. 2, pp. 391–417

DOI 10.4171/RMI/889