On the interpolation of the spaces and

  • Eduard Curcă

    University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi, Romania
On the interpolation of the spaces $W^{l,1}( \mathbb{R}^{d})$ and $W^{r,\infty }( \mathbb{R}^{d})$ cover
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We study some properties of spaces obtained by interpolation of the Sobolev spaces and , where and are nonnegative integers, and . We are concerned with the standard real and complex methods of interpolation. In the case of the real method, an old result of De Vore and Scherer (1979) gives that

where and . We complement this result by considering the case . We prove that, when ,

where and , if and only if . Also, we prove a similar fact when is replaced in by a space where is a real number and . Several other problems like the boundedness of the Riesz transforms on interpolation spaces are also considered. In the case of the complex method, it was proved by M. Milman (1983) that, for any ,

where . We show by simple arguments that fails when and , answering a question of P. W. Jones (1984). As an immediate consequence of these arguments, we show that certain closed subspaces of (with ) that are described by Fourier multipliers are not complemented in .

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Eduard Curcă, On the interpolation of the spaces and . Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 40 (2024), no. 3, pp. 931–986

DOI 10.4171/RMI/1447