-Dini conditions and limiting behavior of weak type estimates for singular integrals
Yong Ding
Beijing Normal University, ChinaXudong Lai
Harbin Institute of Technology and Beijing Normal University, China

Let be the singular integral operator with a homogeneous kernel . In 2006, Janakiraman showed that if has mean value zero on and satisfies the condition
where , then the following limiting behavior:
holds for and .
In the present paper, we prove that if we replace the condition by a more general condition, the -Dini condition, then the limiting behavior still holds for the singular integral . In particular, we give an example which satisfies the -Dini condition, but does not satisfy . Hence, we improve essentially Janakiraman's above result. To prove our conclusion, we show that the -Dini conditions defined respectively via rotation and translation in are equivalent (see Theorem 2.5 below), which may have its own interest in the theory of the singular integrals. Moreover, similar limiting behavior for the fractional integral operator with a homogeneous kernel is also established in this paper.
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Yong Ding, Xudong Lai, -Dini conditions and limiting behavior of weak type estimates for singular integrals. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 33 (2017), no. 4, pp. 1267–1284
DOI 10.4171/RMI/971